Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Two Months Old

Sunny is growing so fast now. She's up to 11 lbs 10 oz and somewhere between 23 and 24.5 inches long, depending on which measurement you trust. That puts her in about the 75th percentile for her age. She's developing really well so far. She does a lot of social smiling, can hold her head up very well, and is even starting to roll over. It's way early to be rolling over so it's possible the times she's done it so far were a fluke. It's really fun to be getting to know her personality, which so far seems to be happy and energetic. She flails her little arms and legs around constantly, even while breastfeeding.

We've enjoyed some great visits with family and friends over the past few weeks. Her aunt, uncle, and cousins came up from New Jersey over Labor Day weekend, and we had so much fun with them. We explored Stowe and the Montpelier farmer's market. I also gained confidence taking her out to eat in restaurants. I figured out that if I walk around with her, she will fall asleep in the Moby wrap and sleep through dinner! We had a great meal at Frida's in Stowe.

Little Robin was excited to meet Sunny:

And we had fun at the farmer's market hanging out with her future friends that are still in their mommies' bellies:

All that activity tuckered her right out:

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