Sunday, June 6, 2010

Entering the Home Stretch

35 weeks pregnant! I've been busy trying to get in a few last hurrahs before the baby comes. In May I went to two big reunions - 5 year Forestry School reunion and 10 year Amherst reunion. Both were really fun and a great chance to catch up with old friends before life gets a lot more complicated.

I do feel as though I'm moving into the home stretch. I'm starting to feel really huge. I am constantly bumping into things with my giant belly. I'm feeling pretty tired and it's hard to stand up for long periods of time. I'm trying to stay active with yoga and walking, but it's tough in the heat. It's a challenge to balance being productive and getting the rest that I need at this stage.

A good friend, Arianne, came to visit and we went on what is most likely my last real hike for a while. It was a beautiful afternoon and I managed to lug my belly to the top of Spruce Mountain in central Vermont.

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