Thursday, July 29, 2010

Susannah is a Sweetie and We are Exhausted

The title of this post about sums it up: Susannah is 2 weeks old today and is a sweetheart. She's not quite as mellow as when she was first born, but she is still a good-natured little baby, and generally calms down pretty well as long as she gets what she needs right away. At this stage, she pretty much needs to nurse all the time. I am spending many, many hours a day on the couch breastfeeding her. I've been making my way through episodes of The Wire, the HBO series. I keep the sound low and use subtitles, and am hoping that Susannah doesn't pick up any inappropriate Baltimore slang. I've also been reading her Anne of Green Gables at night, for a more positive influence.

I'm still really exhausted from the birth, and am really looking forward to feeling healthy enough to take Susannah on walks. We've been experimenting with different baby wearing systems and I'm hopeful that we'll figure out one that works for us. So far the Ergo seems the most comfortable and supportive for my back, but she may be a little too small for it yet.

Susannah is up to 7 lbs 11 oz as of her 2 week check-up. All the doctors and nurses are impressed with her nursing and pooping prowess, as well as her weight gain. She's waking up every 1-3 hours day and night, so Charles and I are totally exhausted all the time. It's amazing how difficult simple tasks seem when you are so sleep deprived. Charles is trying to get back to working on the house, but is struggling to get anything done on so little sleep. Still, he is managing to get the stone and sand spread and drain tile laid, in preparation for pouring the floors soon.

Now, time for some cute pictures!

The family with Susannah looking a bit silly:

Really cute picture of Susannah and Charles:

Susannah loves mama's breast:

Susannah meets the grandparents:


Mike and Sally

David and Audrey

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