Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring in Vermont (or, Why Progress on the House is So Slow)

Spring in Vermont comes late. It was a long hard winter. We were pounded with snow over and over again. Then, when the snow melted, our long dirt driveway became impassible. In case you were wondering, it's somewhat inconvenient to have to hike in a quarter mile laden with baby, carseat, and groceries. And then you run the risk of getting stuck in a ditch, like my friend Sarah. That's Charles pulling her car out with the skid steer.

And just when things were starting to look up, we got pounded by thunderstorms and heavy spring rains that caused our road to partially wash out.

But in between, we've managed to go on lots of little adventures and walks:

Christine, Bob, and Cara came to visit, and Cara had so much fun hugging Susannah!

And Susannah is enjoying running around on the lawn and sniffing the flowers.

With her grandma Jacklyn and cousin Julia:

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